OBC Bulletin 28, November 1998: contents

The OBC Bulletin was published and distributed twice a year to OBC members. It was discontinued in 2004 and replaced with BirdingASIA. Hard copies of later issues of the OBC Bulletin can be ordered from our online store.


Status and conservation of the White-winged Duck in eastern Assam, India Anwaruddin Choudhury
New informataion on the birds of Seram, Indonesia, and their conservation Isabel Isherwood, Tom Edwards, Jonathan Ekstrom, Julia Robinson-Dean, Joe Tobias and Jake Willis
Bird trade in Vietnam Richard Craik
Nakai-Nam Theun: can development save one of South-East Asia's last wilderness? Joe Tobias, Pete Davidson and William Robichaud.
Status and distribution of hornbills in Thailand Ng Bee Choo

Birdwatching areas: Rawa Aopa Watumohai National Park, south-east Sulawesi Richard Gregory-Smith
Forests at the edge of Lore Lindu National Park, central Sulawesi Jonathan Ekstrom, Joe Tobias and Julia Robinson-Dean
Saunders's Gull colony in South Korea: first nesting record outside of the People's Republic of China Niall Moores
Little known Oriental bird: Pleske's Warbler Paul J. Leader

Plus regular sections: Club News, Conservation Fund News, Around the Orient, Free Press, From the Field, Recently Published and Stray Feathers.

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