OBC Bulletin 25, June 1997: contents

The OBC Bulletin was published and distributed twice a year to OBC members. It was discontinued in 2004 and replaced with BirdingASIA. Hard copies of later issues of the OBC Bulletin can be ordered from our online store.


Conservation on the Sangihe and Talaud Islands, Sulawesi, IndonesiaJon Riley
Birdwatching Areas: District Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan
Juha Kylanpaa
The status of the birds of Dibru-Saikhowa Sanctuary, Assam, India
Anwaruddin Choudhury
Field identification of Asian Gyps vulturesPer Alström

The Moluccan Scrubfowl, Eulipoa wallacei Dr C. J. Heij and Dr Christny F. E. Rompas
Photospot: Whiskered Pitta, Pitta kochi Pete Morris
Black-necked Cranes, Grus nigricollis, acting as foster parents Otto Pfister

Plus regular sections: Club News, Conservation Fund News, Around the Orient, ClubWatch, Letters, Free Press, From the Field, Recently Published and Stray Feathers.

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